Our CEO, Founder of iMaxem, Ahmed Nassar, has been chosen and awarded as one of the most 10 Aspiring CEOs in 2021 from CIO Views Magazine, and our company, iMaxem, has been selected as one of the most 10 effective startup companies could make difference with their clients.

and Ahmed has been selected to be in the cover page of the magazine

The interview shows a quick brief about history of iMaxem, and exposed our services provided through our subsidiaries. Also it shows some setbacks and tough time in iMaxem’s life and how iMaxem became stronger after these setback, and how its great team could take advantage of setbacks’ periods.
After that, the article passes through the daily routine of Ahmed, showing the unknown part of his life to the audiences.
Please check the full article through following links:
Digital Link for Issue: https://cioviews.com/digital/2021/october/the-10-most-inspiring-ceos-making-a-difference-in-october-2021-vol-2/
Web Link for Issue: https://cioviews.com/the-10-most-inspiring-ceos-making-a-difference-in-october-2021-vol-2/